Our Mission
Our mission is to live out our ordinary lives for eternal purposes. We strive to live, and to offer to others, the abundant life that Jesus provides. Our mission is accomplished in the following five ways.
It is Foundational:
We seek to firmly establish our lives upon Jesus Christ and His Eternal Word. We need to be firmly established in Christ and His Word as a model for reaching out to others in love.
It is Educational:
As believer’s we must always be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, learning His Word. We teach that God's word is so important for our lives and that when we venture outdoors we do so in true awe of His creation. While we teach men to hunt, fish, and survive in the wild, we also teach them to be fishers of men, hunters for the harvest, and survivalist among those in this world.
It is Relational:
Ministry must always be built, first and foremost, within the context of relationship – first with Jesus and then with others. We are a men's ministry focused on leading and equipping brothers. One cannot lead or equip unless a strong relationship is first built.
It is Sacrificial:
We learn from the story of the good Samaritan that one sacrificial act can have more impact than all the words in the world. We know that sharing our faith, loving on our brothers, and lifting them up to God through prayer are the first steps to help our brotherhood. We take it one step further by sacrificing time, money, and personal things to help brothers in need. We use the book of Acts as our model for our group.
It is Devotional:
We are devoted to sharing Jesus’ love with others. Love is to be the underlying motivation for everything we do. We seek to encourage the members of our body to abide in the love of Jesus and experience the fruit that flows from abiding in Him.
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