A Dark Starry Night by s3vendays DeviantArt.com |
It’s a way to quantify time spent outdoors that matches-up well with our culture, which teaches that the more you do (ie. the more peaks you climb or rivers you run), the better and more productive you are.If you are not familiar with Jack Mountain Bushcraft, they teach bushcraft and survival skills and have an awesome blog that I follow. Here is a preview of one of Tim's Books.
I often times am so concerned in getting things 'done' that I miss out on the experience. I have a good friend I'll call Big-D for sake of anonymity. Big-D likes to take hunting REAL SERIOUS. He is the guy who will often be the first to bag the seasons first deer or catch the biggest fish wherever you go. He really has a rare gift. However, many times he misses it.
What do I mean?
Let me explain.
Earlier this week on a non eventful and unfruitful night coyote hunt. Big-D admitted to me that he needs to have 'more fun' when he goes hunting. He often gets into the 'science' of hunting so much that when he 'locks in' he becomes robotic, almost scary because he wants to be successful when he hunts. He believes that success is harvesting the game that he is targeting. That is partly true.
What he is missing at times is the experience of getting out into nature. The beautiful trees, the changing of the leaves and seeing nature up close. What about taking a deep breath of fresh air or learning more about yourself? Those are the unmeasurable, intangible benefits of getting outdoors.
Big-D had a turn around that night. During the unfruitful coyote hunt, Big-D looks up and says 'Man, sky looks beautiful tonight.' And he was right. Pretty much no moon to mention, no wind and just big beautiful stars stretched over us. Makes you appreciate and enjoy the hunt that much more.
God makes us a wonderful world to play in. We should really get out and enjoy it.
Isaiah 42:5 God, the LORD, created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth.A prayer I found exceptional and great way to close today...
Oh Lord of Abraham and Isaac, you are the almighty God whom us real men fear. We are in awe of you and your good works. Please help our country and please do no abandoned us because of our sins, we love and adore you. Please protect us as we begin to move across this country. Lord protect us from the evil one and forgive us of our sins. Lord allow us to build up treasures in heaven by denying ourselves on this earth and attacking the evil through obedience and fearlessness. Lord protect our women. Amen
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