
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Mark's Birthday...

I was listening to KLOVE this morning on the way to work and heard Micheal Jr. talk about his ministry to bring comedy to others. Lisa and Eric went on to talk about this video that Micheal put together called Mark's Birthday.

If you haven't watched the video yet.... stop reading and click on it. I will wait.

You done?


It is a pretty cool video. It is what Jon Acuff would call sort of a 'Jesus Juke' but I think the message is pretty important reminder to us. Yes, we as Christians have lost focus on what it means to celebrate CHRIST mas.

I like what Micheal Jr. was saying on the radio that instead of saying Merry Christmas, he is now saying Happy Jesus's Birthday. He says you have to say with conviction and sincerity. Don't say it with scathing anger or haughtiness. Simply say it with authority and interesting enough, people around you will submit to Jesus's name.

So today, instead of focusing on Christmas.... I am going to start saying Happy Jesus's Birthday to help me focus on the true "reason for the season."


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