It's that at that particular time you just want to go out and do something. Cabin fever set in and I called a buddy of mine to go on an afternoon road trip to visit 'Largest Sporting Goods In Kentucky Store." Anyone who boasts that they are the largest in Kentucky has to be visited to see what all the hub bub was all about. I recently heard about Uncle Lees from a new acquaintance this past weekend and I was surprised that I hadn't heard of them before since it is about an hour and a half away.
Needless to Say, Derek and I drove over to get a good luck and see what they had to offer. The cool thing about road trips is a time to fellowship with your fellow brothers in the Lord. It helps because you can talk about anything and you know that it won't be overheard by someone you may not want to hear. It allows them a time to rest and relax and to get out of the current situation you are in. I find road trips a great way to clear your mind and help you get back to focus on the important stuff.
After about an hour and a half drive of arguing with the GPS and each other as to which is the best route to take, I am surprised that we ever got there. Upon arrival, you get the feeling that this off the beaten path store is something genuinely unique.

We spent several hours there, and I really tried to buy something on the cheap as I was looking for a second camo gear set that would allow me to alternate if necessary. Either I found a jacket I wanted and no matching pants or vice versa. Of course I was looking at the closeout racks. I found several suites I would have liked to have but not having the cash was of course separating me from acquiring them. Sometimes I think it is goofy that we will spend $300 for a good camo outfit for something we will only wear on a few weekends a year and during the weeks of particular seasons we like to hunt.

The really 'cool' thing about Uncle Lee's is there is so much to look at and see. I loved the huge archery setup they had there along with a very good supply of arms and ammo. It really is a one stop shop for most of your hunting and fishing needs. However I was unsatisfied with the trapping selection they had as I only saw one Duke conibear trap.
Of course my favorite thing I saw was the huge bear trap they had mounted on the wall.
Overall it was a good experience. There was plenty to see and the prices were pretty reasonable. And I can see why that this place was so busy. However, I will say that I could have found comparable prices in my local area. Derek did buy himself a nice game sled for about $45 dollars. It is a lot heavier duty than the ones we have used in the past.
Here is Derek with his daughter enjoying what will be a multi-use game, and child sled. Don't worry, I will remind him to wash it out before he puts his little girl in it.
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