
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Indiana.... Land of the Free? Meh, Maybe Not!

So this morning's fresh cup of coffee and my favorite trapping forum when I came across this...

This is something that is frustrating to me. You would think that in this country, if you bought your land, paid your taxes, you were free to do whatever you chose as long as it was morally, ethically correct.

That may not be the case. Here a man, chose to live off the grid. A man who simply wants to be alone. The county says that it is 'illegal' to live without electricity, or proper plumbing such as sewer or sceptic.

Now... I can understand this from a health perspective but if the guy is doing things his own way.... Taking care of his sewage in a safe manner, then leave him alone.

That goes on to say that he cannot just dump sewage on the open ground as it could contaminate ground water and cause other problems for others.

Really, there are just a few things this guy has to do to make sure that he is within the legal bounds with the county. I just think the county needs to give him time to do so.  Or if they have, the need to provide aid in helping get him within sanitary boundary.

Keep your head above water,



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