I love the Red Green Show
. It just fits my sense of humor to a T. Matter of fact it was my inspiration for my new pair of suspenders show in picture above!
However, this short post is about me, or my dashing good looks it is about 'fixing' things when you have nothing to fix them with. It happened this weekend. Somehow the water control knob on the shower seemed to pull out too far and would continue to spin one direction or the other. While we are still getting water, it just wasn't working correctly.
I tried to find a working solution, to my dismay and four trips to the hardware store later, I realized that all the internals to the shower need to be replaced. Ugh, big job! By the time I got all the pieces for the job it was already late and everything was closed. So what was I to do?
Momma needs her shower! I would much rather wrestle ten grizzlies then mess with the fury of my wife without her shower. So I found a solution pictured below:
Not perfect, but a compression coupler did the trick to hold the screw into the shower control and allow the wife to turn on the hot water. That is until I find the right part to fix it...
Till next time, Keep yourselves above water!
Jeff Barnes
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