
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Deciphering Animal Tracks

I was reading on a trapperman forum about one's struggle with individuals not doing their due diligence in order to identify animal tracks while out setting their trap line. I guess the problem is endemic to our society's need to quickly get an answer to our problems. Of course a quick search on Google revealed a great resource of animal tracks that you can use to compare to. But I think even doing a little research was too much work!

Think about it... if you need to know what the weather is, you have a television channel for that. If you need to know what is playing at the movie theater, there is a website, newspaper, and phone number where you can find which time a particular movie of interest is playing. Numerous of things are available to me from entertainment to education... all at my fingertips.

However there are somethings that still require effort. With all our technology, with all our improvements of lifestyle, there are still things that are out of our reach of 'instant gratification.'

I think that is why I love trapping so much. There is so much to learn and to become successful, it really becomes an art. It is something that you aspire to and practice at to become better. You cannot become an 'internet trapper.'

It takes work, dedication, research and experience to get good at becoming a trapper. The same goes to fishing, hunting, or most outdoor activities. The practice of getting better, the challenge of failing and overcoming is simply an important part of what makes us better.

Answer the call of the wild,
Jeff Barnes


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